Why do you want to leave your current job?

Let's learn here...
- Ways to deal with the question based on the situations
- Examples to help you frame answer
- Positive reasons that your can mention
Although your prospective employer knows that you want to move on but they want to know the reason from you. They want to assess if you are right fit for the role or not. And, what kind of a personality you are.  So, preparing beforehand is important to answer it in short and effective way that can convey your future aspirations to the employer.

Let's, see some key things that you should remember before answering this questions:

1. Be honest but don't try to be brutally honest. Speak to your employer strategically. There can be some truth that you don't want to reveal. Like for instance, you are not on good terms with your current manager & that might be the main reason for you wanting to leave your current job. If you reveal it, you may be rejected on the grounds of bad attitude. But, the truth may be other way round also. Can you afford to be misjudged? I don't think so.

2. Keep your answer short and simple. If you go in detail, you risk yourself getting confronted with awkward questions.

3. Avoid talking anything negative about your previous or current employer

4. Always mention what you learned and achieved during your past tenure instead of being critical of others.

5. Avoid lying and victimizing yourself.

Now there are many ways to deal with this question and that entirely depends on the situation you are in. So, here are a few situations:

Situation 1 : You are currently employed

This is the most comfortable and best situation for you. Since you're secured in yourself, you will be confident and honest while answering. You can tell that you are quite happy and doing good with your current employer but looking for a better opportunity.

Now let's see a few examples:

Example 1

Although I enjoy my current role and opportunities it has offered. I have gained valuable skills and experience working here. But, I feel, my growth as a professional has touched a plateau here. So,  I am looking to accept a bigger challenge that can help me learn and grow further.

Example 2

Although, I’ve had a fantastic time working in my current role and I have learned a lot as well. But my company is going through some structural changes, consequently scope of my responsibilities has also narrowed down. While it was a good decision for company’s new direction, I think it's time for me to move on to a bigger responsibility.

Situation 2 :  You have been out of work for some time

Now in this situation, you will have to give a concrete reason as to why you remained unemployed. There can be many difficult personal reasons that can keep you away from being employed.  Tell them the reason but also explain to them how have you used your time and gained some new skill during these days. It's not easy landing a job after a gap in employment. But you can still make your case strong if you have invested your time in a productive way.

Example 1

I wanted to try my hand in business, so I pursued it for one year. Because of uncertainty in the market and lack of financial resources, my business couldn't click. But it has taught me many lessons which I wouldn't have learnt if I had not been started my own business. I feel I am better skilled then before and would like to bring it to a full-time role.

Example 2

My team recently downsized and my position was also eliminated. But it was nothing to do with my performance. If you have any question related to my performance and skills, you can still verify with my former boss, I'm sure he will give a positive opinion about me.

Situation 3 :  You have changed Jobs so frequently

When you have a resume full of jobs, you can be labeled a "job hopper". And this a difficult situation for you to tackle.  In this case, first of all acknowledge the fact and never complain or bad-mouth anyone. Try to sound that you have learnt a lot wherever who worked and changed positions to gain something positive whenever possible.


Yes, I have worked in so many companies in just a few years. It's been a great journey and I have gained many experiences by working at so many places in a short amount of time. It was not intentional but the change happened whenever I felt my skills and abilities weren't utilized to their fullest extent.

So, these were a few examples to help you frame your own answers.

There can be several reasons for you to change your job. But you should emphasize only on the positive ones such as

- Seeking new challenges
- Looking for better job opportunity
- Pursuing new experiences
- Seeking new responsibilities
- Looking to change career path
- Seeking for a career change.
- Looking to gain a new skill etc.