Concatenate & compare strings - C++ Program

Q. Create a class CString to represent a string.              

    a) Overload the + operator to concatenate two strings.
    b) = = to compare 2 strings.


using namespace std;

class CString
        char str[20];
        void get_string()
                cout<<"\n Enter String              :   ";
        void display()
        CString operator+(CString x)  //Concatenating String
                CString s;
                strcat(str, x.str);
                strcpy(s.str, str);
                return s;
        int operator==(CString &t);   //Comparing String
int CString::operator==(CString &t)  
        for(int i=0; str[i]!='_'; i++)
                for(int j=0; t.str[j]!='_'; j++)
                                return 0;
                                return 1;
int main()
        CString str1, str2, str3;
        int result=0;


        cout<<"\n ----------------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n\n First String is           :  ";
        str1.display();   //Displaying First String

        cout<<"\n\n Second String is          :  ";
        str2.display();  //Displaying Second String

        cout<<"\n ----------------------------------------------";
        str3=str1+str2;         //String is concatenated. Overloaded '+' operator
        cout<<"\n\n Concatenated String is    :  ";

        result=str1==str2;    //Comparing two strings. Overloaded '==' operator
                cout<<"\n\n Both Strings are Equal";
                cout<<"\n\n Both Strings are Not Equal";
        return 0;


cstring concatenate compare