Binary operator overloading - C++ Program

Q. Write a C++ program to overload binary operator '+' to add two complex numbers.


Following program is overloading binary operator '+' to add two complex numbers.

using namespace std;

class Complex
        int num1, num2;
        void accept()
                cout<<"\n Enter Two Complex Numbers : ";
        Complex operator+(Complex obj)   //Overloading '+' operator
                Complex c;
        void display()
int main()
        Complex c1, c2, sum;      //Created Object of Class Complex i.e c1 and c2

        c1.accept();  //Accepting the values

        sum = c1+c2;   //Addition of object
        cout<<"\n Entered Values : \n";
        c1.display();    //Displaying user input values
        cout<<"\n Addition of Real and Imaginary Numbers : \n";
        sum.display();  //Displaying the addition of real and imaginary numbers
        return 0;


binary two complex no