Accept, display & compare time with operator overloading

Q. Create a class Time which contains:
        - Hours
        - Minutes
        - Seconds

    Write a C++ program using operator overloading for the following:
        1.  = = : To check whether two Time are same or not.
        2.  >>  : To accept the time.
        3.  <<  : To display the time.



using namespace std;

class Time
                int hours, minutes, seconds;
                friend int operator>>(istream &input, Time &t)  //Overloading >> Operator
                        cout<<"\n Enter Hours   :  ";
                        cout<<"\n Enter Minutes :  ";
                        cout<<"\n Enter Seconds :  ";
                        t.minutes = t.minutes + t.seconds / 60;
                        t.seconds %= 60;
                        t.hours = t.hours + t.minutes / 60;
                        t.minutes %= 60;
                        if(t.hours >= 25)
                                return 1;
                                return 0;
                friend void operator<<(ostream &Output:, Time &t)    //Overloading << Operator
                        Output:<<"\n Hours   :  "<<t.hours;
                        Output:<<"\n Minutes :  "<<t.minutes;
                        Output:<<"\n Seconds :  "<<t.seconds;
                int operator==(Time t1)    //Overloading == Operator
                        int tot = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;
                        int tot1 = t1.hours * 3600 + t1.minutes * 60 + t1.seconds;
                                return 1;
                                return 0;
                ∼ Time(){}
int main()
        Time t, t1;
        cout<<"\n Enter First Time ";
        cout<<"\n -------------------- ";
                cout<<"\n Invalid Time ";
                return 0;
        cout<<"\n First Time ";
        cout<<"\n\n Enter Second Time ";
        cout<<"\n -------------------- ";
                cout<<"\n Invalid Time ";
                return 0;
        cout<<"\n Second Time ";
                cout<<"\n\n Times are Same ";
                cout<<"\n\n Times are Different ";
        return 0;



