Combo Boxes-JComboBox


JComboBox is the combination of a text field and a drop down. The user can select a value from the drop-down list, which appears on the list. The combo box contains an editable field.

Declaration of JComboBox Class

public class JComboBox<E>
      extends JComponent
           implements ItemSelectable, ActionListner Accessible

E: the type of element of this combo box

JComboBox Class Constructors

JComboBox()Creates the JComboBox with default data model.
JComboBox(ComboBoxModel<E>  model)Creates a JComboBox that takes its items from an existing ComboBoxModel.
JComboBox(E[ ]  items)Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified array.
JComboBox(Vector<E> items)Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified Vector.

Example of using JComboBox, JTextField and JButton


import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class JComboDemo
     public static void main(String args[])
          final JComboBox combo;
          final JTextField txt;
          JButton b1 = new JButton("Show");
          String sports[] = {"Cricket", "Football", "Tennis", "Badminton", "Hockey", "Wrestling"};
          JFrame frame = new JFrame("JComboBoxDemo");
          JPanel panel = new JPanel();
          combo = new JComboBox(sports);
          txt = new JTextField(20);
          combo.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
               public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
                    String str = (String)combo.getSelectedItem();
          frame.setSize(430, 200);


jcombo box