Introduction to Annotations
An annotation is a form of tag that represents the metadata. It provides data about a program, which is not a part of the program.
It can be used within classes, methods, packages and variable. Annotations have no direct effect on the function of the code they annotate. It was introduced in Java 1.5.
Uses of Annotations
- Annotations can be used by the compiler to detect or produce the errors and warning.
- They can also be used as software tools that can process annotation information to generate code, XML file etc.
- Some annotations are also available at runtime and are used for different objective like testing, validation, data access etc.
Annotation syntax
An annotation always starts with the symbol @ followed by annotation name.
For example: @Override
Where, Override is the name of the annotation.
Built-in Annotation in Java
Annotations used by Java
The predefined annotation defined in
java.lang package are given below:
1. @Deprecated
@Deprecated annotation indicates that the marked elements (class, method or field) are deprecated and should no longer be used. When a class or method is declared with
@Deprecated annotation, compiler will give a warning message.
Example : Illustrating the use and effect of @Deprecated annotation
class First
void method1()
System.out.println("In method1");
void method2()
System.out.println("In method2");
public class AnnotationDemo
public static void main(String args[])
First obj = new First ();
obj.method2 ();
Output: Compiler generates a warning message.
Note: Without use of @Deprecated annotation, the program will compile and run successfully and gives the output as In method2.
2. @Override
This annotation informs the compiler that the sub class method is overriding the super class method. If a method is declared with
@Override annotation and fails to correctly override a method, then the compiler generates a warning.
Example : Program to illustrate the use and effect of @Override annotation
class Vehicle
void running()
System.out.println("Vehicle is running: ");
class Bike extends Vehicle
void Running()
System.out.println("Bike is running.");
public class AnnotationDemo
public static void main(String args[])
Vehicle obj = new Bike();
Output: Compile time error
Note: When we do not use @Override annotation, the program simply compiles and runs successfully.
3. @SuppressWarnings
@SuppressWarnings annotation is used to suppress specific warning generated by the compiler.
void myMethod()
Creating Custom Annotation
In Java it is possible to create our own annotations. The custom annotations are created by using
@interface followed by annotation name.
@interface Annotaion_name
int value1();
String value2 ();
String value3 ();
Annotations that Apply to Other Annotations
These annotations are also called as
meta-annotations because they can apply to other annotations as well. The meta-annotations are defined in
java.lang.annotation package
1. @Retention : @Retention annotation is used to specify how the marked annotation is stored.
- RetentionPolicy.SOURCE
It is available only at runtime. It refers to source code and is ignored by the compiler.
- RetentionPolicy.CLASS
It is maintained only by the compiler but ignored by the JVM. It refers to .class file.
- RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
This annotation is retained by the JVM at runtime.
2. @Documented : @Documented annotation indicate that whenever an element uses this annotation, it must be documented by Javadoc tool.
3. @Target : @Target annotations specify which type of annotation should be used where. @Target annotation specifies the following possible target value.
- ElementType.FIELD
- ElementType.METHOD
- ElementType.PACKAGE
- ElementType.PARAMETER
- ElementType.TYPE
4. @Inherited : @Inherited annotations specify that the annotation type can be inherited from the super class.
5. @Repeatable : @Repeatable annotation can be applied more than once to the same declarations. It was introduced in Java SE 8.