Packages & Interfaces in Java

Introduction  to Packages

A package is a mechanism to group the similar type of classes, interfaces and sub-packages and provide access control.  It organizes classes into single unit.
In Java already many predefined packages are available, used while programming.
For example: java.lang,, java.util etc.

Advantages of Packages

  • Packages provide code reusability, because a package has group of classes.
  • It helps in resolving naming collision when multiple packages have classes with the same name.
  • Package also provides the hiding of class facility. Thus other programs cannot use the classes from hidden package.
  • Access limitation can be applied with the help of packages.
  • One package can be defined in another package.

Types of Packages

There are two types of packages available in Java.

1. Built-in packages
Built-in packages are already defined in java API. For example: java.util,, java,lang, java.awt, java.applet,, etc.
2. User defined packages
The package we create according to our need is called user defined package.

Creating a Package

We can create our own package by creating our own classes and interfaces together. The package statement should be declared at the beginning of the program.

package <packagename>;
class ClassName

Example: Creating a Package

package p1;
class Demo
   public void m1()
       System.out.println("Method m1..");

How to compile?
Syntax:  javac –d directory javafilename
For Example: javac –d .

How to run?
To run: java p1.Demo

Example: Program to create and use a user defined ackage in Java.

package vehicles;
interface Vehicle
   public void run();
   public void speed();

package vehicles;
public class Bike implements Vehicle
    public void run()
      System.out.println("Bike is running.");
   public void speed()
      System.out.println("Speed of Bike: 50 Km/h");
   public static void main(String args[])
      Bike bike = new Bike();;

javac –d .
javac –d .

java vehicles.Bike

Bike is running
Speed of Bike: 50 Km/h

The “import” keyword

The import keyword provides the access to other package classes and interfaces in current packages.
“import” keyword is used to import built-in and user defined packages in java program.
There are different 3 ways to access a package from other packages.

1. Using full qualified name


class Demo extends java.util.Scanner

2. import only single class


import java.util.Scanner;
class Demo
      // statements

3. import all classes


import java.util.*;
class Demo
    // statements


  • Interface is similar to a class, but it contains only abstract methods.
  • By default the variables declared in an interface are public, static and final.
  • Interface is a mechanism to achieve full abstraction.
  • An interface does not contain any constructor.

interface InterfaceName
   public void method1();
   public void method2();
   <type> variableName = value;

Example: Sample of an interface

interface Employee
   static final Id = 101;
   static final String name = “ABC”;
   void show();
   void getSalary(double salary);

Extending interfaces

An interface has to extend another interface as it happens in class. It cannot implement another interface.  

Example: Sample program for extending interfaces

interface Base
   public void display ();
interface Derive extends Base
   public void show ();

Implementing interfaces

  • A class implements an interface. After that, class can perform the specific behavior on an interface.
  • The implements keyword is used by class to implement an interface.

class ClassName implements interfacename
   // body of class

Note: A class can implement more than one interface. Java can achieve multiple inheritances by using interface.

Example:  Sample program to implements interface in Java

interface Results
   final static float pi = 3.14f;
   float areaOf(float l, float b);
class Rectangle implements Results
   public float areaOf(float l, float b)
       return (l * b);
class Square implements Results  
   public float areaOf(float l, float b)
      return (l * l);
class Circle implements Results
   public float areaOf(float r, float b)
      return (pi * r * r);
public class InterfaceDemo
   public static void main(String args[])
      Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
      Square square = new Square();
      Circle circle = new Circle();
      System.out.println("Area of Rectangle: "+rect.areaOf(20.3f, 28.7f));
      System.out.println("Are of square: "+square.areaOf(10.0f, 10.0f));
      System.out.println("Area of Circle: "+circle.areaOf(5.2f, 0));

Area of Rectangle: 582.61
Are of square: 100.0
Area of Circle: 84.905594

Example: Sample program to implements multiple inheritance

interface Vehicle
  void run();  
interface Bike extends Vehicle
  void stop();  
public class Demo implements Bike
  public void run()
     System.out.println("Vehicle is running.");
  public void stop()
     System.out.println("Bike is stop.");
  public static void main(String args[])
     Demo obj = new Demo();;  

Vehicle is running.
Bike is stop.

Marker Interface

An interface which does not contain any fields and methods is known as marker or tag interface. It is an empty interface.

For example Serializable, EventListener, MouseListner, Remote, Cloneable etc.

package java.util;
public interface EventListner

Differences between Abstract class and Interface

Abstract classInterface
It cannot support multiple inheritances.Interface supports multiple inheritances.
It contains both abstract and non abstract method.It contains only abstract method.
Abstract class is the partially implemented class.Interface is fully unimplemented class.
It can have main method and constructor.It cannot have main method and constructor.
It can have static, non-static, final, non-final variables.It contains only static and final variable.