Push & pop elements from multiple stack - C

C program to push and pop elements from multiple stacks.


# define max 20
int push( int stack[max], int sno, int top[], int limit[], int *data )
      if( top[sno] == limit[sno] )
            stack[ top[sno] ] = *data;
int pop( int stack[max], int sno, int top[], int bott[], int *data)
      if( top[sno] == bott[sno] )
            *data = stack[ top[sno] ];
            top[sno]--; //... Or top[sno] = top[sno] -1
int main()
      int stack[max],ele, n, size, sno;
      int top[10], bott[10], limit[10];
      int i, op , reply;
      printf("How many stacks you want to enter? : ");
      scanf("%d", &n);
      size = max / n; //Get Max. size for each Stack
      bott[0] = -1; //Bottom of first Stack is -1
      for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
            bott[i] = bott[i-1] + size;
      for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
            limit[i] = bott[i] + size;
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
            top[i] = bott[i];
      printf("      1. PUSH\n");
      printf("      2. POP\n");
      printf("      3. EXIT\n");
            printf("\nChoose operation : ");
            scanf("%d", &op);
                  case 1 : //... Push
                        printf("Enter logical stack number (0 to %d) : ", n-1);
                        scanf("%d", &sno);
                        printf("\nElement to be entered in stack number %d : ",sno);
                        scanf("%d", &ele);
                        reply = push(stack, sno, top, limit, &ele);
                        if( reply == -1)
                              printf("\n Stack %d is Full", sno);
                              printf("%d is pushed in stack number %d. \n",ele, sno);
                  case 2 : //... Pop
                        printf("\nEnter logical stack number (0 to %d) : ", n-1);
                        scanf("%d", &sno);
                        reply = pop( stack, sno, top, bott, &ele);
                        if( reply == -1)
                              printf("\n Stack %d is empty \n", sno);
                              printf("\n %d is popped from stack number %d \n",ele, sno);
                  case 3 : exit(0);
                  default: printf("Invalid operation \n");
      return 0;


operations multiple stack

operations multiple stack

operations multiple stack