Convert infix expression into postfix - C Program

Write a C program to convert infix expression into postfix expression.


In infix expression, Operators are written in-between their operands. This is the common way for writing expression. E.g. a+b*c.

In postfix expression, the operators are written after the their operands. It is also known as “reverse polish notation”. E.g. abc*+.

In this example we convert the infix notation into the postfix notation.


char stack[50];
int top=-1;
void post(char infix[]);
void push(char);
char pop();

void main()
    char infix[25];
    printf("\nENTER THE INFIX EXPRESSION = ");

void push(char symb)
          printf("\nSTACK OVERFLOW");
char pop()
     char item;
            printf("\nSTACK IS EMPTY");
int preced(char ch)
      else if(ch==42)
      else if(ch==43)
void post(char infix[])
      int l;
      int index=0,pos=0;
      char symbol,temp;
      char postfix[40];
                    case '(': push(symbol);
                    case ')': temp=pop();
                    case '+':
                    case '-':
                    case '*':
                    case '/':
                    case '^':
                    default: postfix[pos++]=symbol;


infix to postfix conversion