Evaluate postfix expression - C Program

Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to evaluate postfix expression (using stack).


In this program we evaluate the postfix expression.


#include<stdio.h>     //standard input output functions
#include<conio.h>        //console functions
#include<string.h>       //string functions
#define MAX 50              //max size defined
int stack[MAX];             //a global stack
char post[MAX];             //a global postfix stack
int top=-1;                  //initializing top to -1
void pushstack(int tmp);       //push function
void evaluate(char c);          //calculate function
void main()
   int i,l;
   printf("Insert a postfix notation :: ");
   gets(post);                    //getting a postfix expression
   l=strlen(post);               //string length
      if(post[i]>='0' && post[i]<='9')
          pushstack(i);             //if the element is a number push it
      if(post[i]=='+' || post[i]=='-' || post[i]=='*' ||
      post[i]=='/' || post[i]=='^')       //if element is an operator
          evaluate(post[i]);             //pass it to the evaluate
   }                      //print the result from the top
   printf("\n\nResult :: %d",stack[top]);

void pushstack(int tmp)          //definiton for push
   top++;                              //incrementing top
   stack[top]=(int)(post[tmp]-48);    //type casting the string to its integer value

void evaluate(char c)       //evaluate function
   int a,b,ans;        //variables used
   a=stack[top];       //a takes the value stored in the top
   stack[top]='\0';     //make the stack top NULL as its a string
   top--;                //decrement top's value
   b=stack[top];         //put the value at new top to b
   stack[top]='\0';      //make it NULL
   top--;                //decrement top
   switch(c)     //check operator been passed to evaluate
      case '+':          //addition
      case '-':           //subtraction
      case '*':            //multiplication
      case '/':           //division
      case '^':      //power
          ans=0;      //else 0
   top++;             //increment top
   stack[top]=ans;        //store the answer at top


evaluate postfix expression