Search an element in linked list - C Program

C program to search an element in linked list.


struct node
     int data;
     struct node *next;
first, *nw;

int search(int item)
     int count=1;
     return count;
int main()
     int no,i,item,pos;;
     printf("How many nodes you want in linked list?: ");
     for(i=0;i< no;i++)
          nw->next=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
          printf("Enter element in node %d: ",i+1);
     printf("\nElements in linked list :\n\n");
     printf("\nEnter element to be searched : ");
          printf("\n'%d' is found at node = %d",item,pos);
          printf("Sorry! '%d' is not in linked list.",item);
     return 0;


search element