Insert a node in Doubly Linked List, from left to right - C Program

Write a C program to insert a node in a doubly linked list, from left to right so that nodes of that doubly linked list will be in ascending order (using double pointers).


In this example, we insert the node in double linked list and then arrange it on ascending order. We will use structure and double pointer in below example.


typedef struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;
    struct node *previous;
void insertion(s **,s**,int);
void display(s*);
void arrange(s*);
void main()
    int ch,n;
    s *front=NULL;
        printf("Enter your choice: ");
            case 1:
            printf("\nEnter the no to be inserted: ");
            //call the insertion function
            case 2:
            // calling the display function
            case 3:
            // calling the arrange function for sort the element.
void insertion(s**front,s**rear,int n)
void arrange(s*tp)
    int t;
void display(s*front)
        printf("no node to display");


doubly linked list