Create Odd & Even Linked Lists - C Program

Write a C program to create two linked lists named as Odd and Even from a linked list, so that Odd Linked list contains all nodes with odd values and even linked list with even values (using double pointer).


In this example, we are creating two linked list for storing even value in Even list and odd value in Odd list. We are using structure, double pointer and malloc function for storing dynamic array.


typedef struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;
void insertion(s **,s**,int);
void arrange(s*);
void display(s*,s*);
void main()
    int n,ch;
         printf("\npress 1 to enter node \n2 to display all nodes\n3.arrange\n");
             case 1:
             printf("Enter the number:");
             case 2:
             case 3:
void insertion(s**first,s**last,int n)
    s* p=NULL;
void arrange(s*f)
    int t;
void display(s* even,s* odd)
    printf("The output of even link list is: \n");
    printf("\nThe output of odd link list is: \n");


single linked list