HTML5 Web Forms 2.0

Introduction to HTML5 Web Forms 2.0

  • The web forms 2.0 are an extension to the features of the forms found in HTML4.
  • The form elements and attributes in HTML5 provide a greater degree of semantic mark-up.
  • A great deal of the tedious scripting and styling required by HTML4 is removed.

<input> elements in HTML5

Some new type attributes that are added to the  <input> element are as follows:

datetimeDate and time i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second are all encoded according to the ISO 8601 with the timezone set to UTC.
datetime-localDate and time i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second are all encoded according to the ISO 8601 without timezone information.
dateDate i.e. year, month, day is encoded according to ISO 8601.
monthA date consist of a year and a month encoded according to ISO 8601.
weekA date consist of a year and a week number is encoded according to ISO 8601.
timeIt is time i.e. hour, minute, seconds, fractional seconds encoded according to ISO 8601.
numberIt accepts only a numerical value. By default the step attribute specifies the precision to 1.
rangeIt is used for input fields that contain a value from a range of numbers.
emailIt accepts only the email value. It is used for input fields that contain an e-mail address.
Example: if anyone tries to enter simple text it will not accept it and force to enter only the email address in the format
urlIt accepts only the URL value. It is used for input fields that contain a URL address.
Example: if anyone tries to enter simple text it will not accept it and force to enter only the URL address in the format or

<output> element

  • The  <output> element is a new element introduced in HTML5 which is used for representing the result of the different types of outputs such as the ones written by a script.
  • For attribute is used for specifying a relationship between the output element and other elements in the document that affect the calculation.
  • Value of this for attribute is a space-separated list of IDs of other elements.

Example : Demonstrating the  <output> element

     <script type="text/javascript">
          function answer()
               a = document.forms["myform"]["newinput"].value;
          <form action="/cgi-bin/html5.cgi" method="get" name="myform">
                 Enter any value :  <input type="text" name="newinput" />
                 <input type="button" value="Result"  onclick="answer();" />
                 <output name="result"> </output>

output element

Web Form2.0 Attributes

1. placeholder attribute
  • It is a new attribute introduced in HTML5.
  • The placeholder attribute on  <input> and the  <textarea> elements help the user as to what can be entered in the field.
  • The text of placeholder cannot contain carriage returns or line-feeds.
<input type=“text” name=“search” placeholder=“search the web”/>

2. autofocus attribute
It is a simple one-step pattern which is easily programmed in JavaScript when the document loads. It automatically focuses only on one particular form field.

<input type=“text” name=“search” autofocus/>

3. required attribute
  • The required attribute is used in place of the Javascript validations.
  • Javascript is now required for client side validations only where an empty text box can never be submitted because of this attribute.
<input type=“text” name=“search” required>