Create file to store employee details - C++

Q. A company has following details of their employees in the file 'emp.dat'  

a. Emp Id
b. Emp Name
c. Emp Address
d. Emp Dept (Admin/Sales/Production/IT)
e. Emp Phone
f. Emp Age

Write a C++ program to read the above file. Create new file such as Adm.dat, Sal.dat, Pro.dat, IT.dat respectively to store the employee details according to their department.



using namespace std;
char empfile[30]   = "Employee.txt";
char ITfile[20]    = "IT.txt";
char Adminfile[25] = "Admin.txt";
char Prodfile[30]  = "Production.txt";
char Salesfile[30] = "Sales.txt";

class emp
     int empid;
     char name[30];
     char address[60];
     int age;
          char dept[15];
     void get();
     char *getdept()
          return dept;
void emp::get()
     cout<<"\n Enter Employee Id     :  ";
     cout<<"\n Enter Name            :  ";
     cout<<"\n Enter Address         :  ";
     cout<<"\n Enter Department Name:(Admin/Sales/IT/Production)  :  ";
     cout<<"\n Enter Age   :  ";
void insert()
     emp e;
     ofstream fout; //ofstream is a class, fout is its object. It can be used only to write into the file.

     //file is open in the binary, append and nocreate mode."Employee.txt",ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app | ios::ate);
     if (
          cout<<"\n Unable to Open the File!!!";
          goto err;
     e.get(); // accepting the details from the user.
     fout.write((char *)&e,sizeof(e)); //writing into the file with fout object.
          cout<<"\n Record Inserted !!!"<<endl;
          cout<<"\n Insertion Failed !!!";
          goto err;
void sort() // This function will insert the record according to department in respective file.
     emp e;
     ofstream adm,sal,pro,it; //all files have been created for writing mode.
     ifstream fin; // fin object belongs to the ifstream class, it is used to read the file contents only., ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);, ios::out | ios::binary | ios::app);, ios::in | ios::binary);
     while( *)&e,sizeof(e))) //reading the file contents till it reaches end of file.
               adm.write((char *)&e,sizeof(e));
               cout<<"\n Record Inserted into ADMIN File!!!";
          else if(strcmp(e.getdept(),"Sales")==0)
               sal.write((char *)&e,sizeof(e));
               cout<<"\n Record Inserted into SALES File!!!";
          else if(strcmp(e.getdept(),"IT")==0)
               it.write((char *)&e,sizeof(e));
               cout<<"\n Record Inserted into IT File!!!";
          else if(strcmp(e.getdept(),"Production")==0)
               pro.write((char *)&e,sizeof(e));
               cout<<"\n Record Inserted into Production File!!!";
               cout<<"\n Insert Correct Record!!!";
int main()
     int n;
     cout<<"\n Enter No. of Records You Want? : ";
     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
     return 0;


employee file department