Create a file, add and display records - C++

Q. Write a C++ program to create a file which has information Name, Account number, Balance and perform following operations:

a. Add record
b. Display content of file
c. Display name of person having balance > 10,000


using namespace std;

struct Person
     char name[20];
     int accno;
     float balance;
int main()
     struct Person p;
     FILE *fp;
     char c;
     int ch;
          cout<<"\n\n 1. Add Records in the File";
          cout<<"\n 2. Display Content of File";
          cout<<"\n 3. Display Name of Person whose Balance is Greater than 10,000";
          cout<<"\n 4. Exit";
          cout<<"\n\n Enter Your Choice : ";
               case 1:
                    while (1)
                         cout<<"\n Enter Person Name   :  ";
                         cout<<"\n Enter Account No.   :  ";
                         cout<<"\n Enter Balance       :  ";
                         cout<<"\n\n Do You Want to Continue?(Y/N) : ";
                         if(c=='n' || c=='N')
               case 2:
                    while (fread(&p,sizeof(p),1,fp))
                              cout<<"\n Account No : "<<p.accno;
                              cout<<"\n Name       : "<<;
                              cout<<"\n Balance    : "<<p.balance<<endl;

               case 3:

                                   cout<<"\n Account No : "<<p.accno;
                                   cout<<"\n Name       : "<<;
                                   cout<<"\n Balance    : "<<p.balance<<endl;
               case 4:
                    cout<<"\n Invalid Choice";
     return 0;


person details

person details