Menu driven C program for Library operations

Write a menu driven program in 'C' which shows the working of library. The menu option should be

i) Add book details.
ii) Display book details.
iii) List all books of given author.
iv) List the count of books in the library.
v) Exit.


struct book
     int  b_no;
     char b_name[40];
     char b_author[40];
     int  no_pages;
int main()
     struct book b[20];
     int    ch,n,i,count = 0;
     char   temp[40];
          printf("PRESS 1.TO ADD BOOK DETAILS.");
          printf("\nPRESS 2.TO DISPLAY BOOK DETAILS.");
          printf("\nPRESS 3.TO DISPLAY BOOK OF GIVEN AUTHOR.");
          printf("\nPRESS 4.TO COUNT NUMBER OF BOOKS.");
          printf("\nPRESS 5.TO EXIT.");
          printf("Enter Your Choice: ");
               case 1:
                    printf("\nHow Many Records You Want to Add: ");
                    printf("Add Details of %d Book\n",n);
                    for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                         printf("Enter Book No.     : ");
                         printf("Book Name          : ");
                         printf("Enter Author Name  : ");
                         printf("Enter No. of Pages : ");
               case 2:
                    printf("\n\t\tDetails of All Book");
                    printf("Book No.   Book Name\t  Author Name\tNo. of Pages");
                    for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                         printf("\n %d\t  %s\t  %s\t  %d",b[i].b_no,b[i].b_name,b[i].b_author,b[i].no_pages);
             case 3:
                    printf("\nEnter Author Name: ");
                    for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                         if(strcmp(b[i].b_author,temp) == 0)
               case 4 :
                    for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                    printf("\nTotal Number of Books in Library : %d\n",count);
               case 5 :
     }while(ch != 5);
     return 0;


library operations


library operations


library operations


library operations