Work and Wages - Aptitude Questions and Answers Part 2

6. A, B and C together can finish a work in 6 days. Working alone A will take 12 days while B will take 4 days more than A to finish the work. The amount they were paid for the work is Rs 6400. What is the share of C in total earnings?

a. Rs. 600
b. Rs. 700
c. Rs. 800
d. Rs. 1200

Answer: c. Rs. 800


1 day work of A =1 ; 1 day work of B =1
1 day work of A+B+C =1= 1 day work of A + 1 day work of B + 1 day work of C
∴ 1 day work of C =1- (1+1) =1
Ratio of 1 day work of A, B and C =1:1:1= 4:3:1 ---------------- Multiplied by 48
If you work more you get proportionately more money
∴ Share of income of A, B and C is also in ratio 4:3:1 respectively.
Share of C =1x Total Amount =1x 6400 = Rs. 800

7. M and N can do a job in 30 days and 45 days respectively. They start working together on 1st April but leave after the work on 15th April. Starting on the morning of 16th April, O finishes the remaining job on 21st April. The total payout for the job was Rs 15000/-. How much did R earn in the assignment?

a. Rs. 1500
b. Rs. 2500
c. Rs. 5000
d. Rs. 7500

Answer: b. Rs. 2500


Total work of M = 1day work of M x 15 days =1x 15 =1
Total work of N =1x 15 =1
∴ Total work done by M and N =1+1=5
Remaining work = 1 -5=1= This is done by O
Share of O = Total work done by O x Total Amount =1x 15000 = Rs. 2500

8. The efficiency of a father is 500% that of his son. They work together on a job for 3 days and make Rs 2700/- . Find the daily wages of the son.

a. Rs. 150
b. Rs. 300
c. Rs. 450
d. Rs. 900

Answer: a. Rs. 150


Wages for 1 day for both =Rs.2700= Rs. 900
Man is 500% efficient than boy, so he does 5 times more work than the son.
If you work more you get proportionately more money
So man gets 5 times more money than boy.
∴ Ratio of wages of 1 day of man to wages of 1 day of son is 5:1
Daily wage of son =1x Wages for 1 day for both =1x 900 = Rs. 150

9. Prateek was selected for an assignment of 100 days. The contract said that he will earn Rs. 48/- for everyday that he worked. However, if he is doesn't report to work on some day, another boy will take over but Prateek will have to bear a share of losses i.e. Rs 24 per day. At the end of 100 days, he earned Rs 840/-. How many days did he not report to work?

a. 45 Days
b. 55 Days
c. 64 Days
d. 75 Days

Answer: b. 55 Days


Let Prateek be absent for K days.
So, he worked for (100-K) days and got Rs. 840
He was fined for K days hence, his fine = Rs. 24 x K = 24K
∴ 840 = (100-K) x Rs. 48 - 24K
∴ 840 = 4800 - 48K - 24K
∴ K = 55 = Prateek was absent for these many days

10. 6 men earn same as what 8 women earn while 4 women earn same as what 3 girls and 3 boys earn together. Boys and girls earn the same. Working together 6 men, 4 women and 8 boys earn Rs 26/-. Find out the total wages of 8 men, 6 women and 4 boys.  

a. Rs. 24
b. Rs. 25
c. Rs. 29
d. Rs. 32

Answer: c. Rs. 29


Since, Girls and Boys earn the same. Let us treat them to be all Boys.
So, 3 Girls + 3 Boys = 6 Boys
Let Daily wages of → Men=M; Women=W and Boys=B
6M=8W and 4W=6B -----------------> (1)
Also, 6M+4W+8B = Rs. 26

∴ 8W + 4W + 8 x4W= Rs.26 ----------->Substituting values of M and B from 1
∴ W = Rs. 1.5 = Daily wages of 1 woman
∴ M =8W= Rs. 2 = Daily wages of 1 man
Also, B =4W= Rs. 1 = Daily wages of 1 boy
Wage of 8 men, 6 women, 4 boys = (8 x 2) + (6 x 1.5) + (4 x 1) = Rs. 29