Verification | Validation |
Verification is the process to find whether the software meets the specified requirements for particular phase. | The validation process is checked whether the software meets requirements and expectation of the customer. |
It estimates an intermediate product. | It estimates the final product. |
The objectives of verification is to check whether software is constructed according to requirement and design specification. | The objectives of the validation is to check whether the specifications are correct and satisfy the business need. |
It describes whether the outputs are as per the inputs or not. | It explains whether they are accepted by the user or not. |
Verification is done before the validation. | It is done after the verification. |
Plans, requirement, specification, code are evaluated during the verifications. | Actual product or software is tested under validation. |
It manually checks the files and document. | It is a computer software or developed program based checking of files and document. |
Unit testing starts at the centre and each unit is implemented in source code.
An integration testing focuses on the construction and design of the software.
Check all the requirements like functional, behavioral and performance requirement are validate against the construction software.
System testing confirms all system elements and performance are tested entirely.
As per the procedural point of view the testing includes following steps.