<%@ page import="java.io.*,java.util.*" %>
// Get session creation time.
Date createTime = new Date(session.getCreationTime());
// Get last access time of this web page.
Date lastAccessTime = new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime());
String title = "Welcome Back to my website";
Integer visitCount = new Integer(0);
String visitCountKey = new String("visitCount");
String userIDKey = new String("userID");
String userID = new String("Surendra");
// Check if this is new comer on your web page.
if (session.isNew())
title = "Welcome to my website";
session.setAttribute(userIDKey, userID);
session.setAttribute(visitCountKey, visitCount);
visitCount = (Integer)session.getAttribute(visitCountKey);
visitCount = visitCount + 1;
userID = (String)session.getAttribute(userIDKey);
session.setAttribute(visitCountKey, visitCount);
<title>Session Tracking</title>
<h1>Session Tracking Example</h1>
<table border="1" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="#ffcccc">
<th>Session info</th>
<tr >
<td><% out.print( session.getId()); %></td>
<td>Creation Time</td>
<td><% out.print(createTime); %></td>
<td>Time of Last Access</td>
<td><% out.print(lastAccessTime); %></td>
<td>User ID</td>
<td><% out.print(userID); %></td>
<td>Number of visits</td>
<td><% out.print(visitCount); %></td>