class WrapperTest
public static void main (String args[])
Integer Obj1 = new Integer (44);
Integer Obj2 = new Integer ("44");
Integer Obj3 = new Integer (55);
//compareTo() method
System.out.println("Using compareTo() Obj1 and Obj2: " + Obj1.compareTo(Obj2));
System.out.println("Using compareTo() Obj1 and Obj3: " + Obj1.compareTo(Obj3));
//Equals() method
System.out.println("Using equals() Obj1 and Obj2: " + Obj1.equals(Obj2));
System.out.println("Using equals() Obj1 and Obj3: " + Obj1.equals(Obj3));
Float f1 = new Float("10.25f");
Float f2 = new Float("12.63f");
Float f3 = new Float(10.25f);
System.out.println("Using compare() f1 and f2: ",f2));
System.out.println("Using compare() f1 and f3: ",f3));
//Addition of Integer with Float
Float f = Obj1.floatValue() + f1;
System.out.println("Addition of intObj1 and f1: "+ Obj1 +"+" +f1+"=" +f );
Integer int1 = Integer.valueOf("12345");
//Converting from binary to decimal
Integer int2 = Integer.valueOf("101011", 2);
//Converting from hexadecimal to decimal
Integer int3 = Integer.valueOf("D", 16);
System.out.println("Value of int1 Object: "+ int1);
System.out.println("Value of int2 Object: "+ int2);
System.out.println("Value of int3 Object: "+ int3);
System.out.println("Hex value of int1: " + Integer.toHexString(int1));
System.out.println("Binary Value of int2: "+ Integer.toBinaryString(int2));