Create interface with add() and sub() method

Q. Write a java program which creates an interface IterF1 having 2 methods add () and sub(). Create a class which overloads the given methods for addition and subtraction of two numbers respectively.


Below example show that the implements the inheritance in the class and overload the interface methods.

interface IterF1
     int a = 50;
     int b = 30;
     void add();
     void sub();

class Overload_Demo implements IterF1
     public void add()
          System.out.println("Addition of "+a+" and "+b+" is: "+(a+b));
     public void sub()
          System.out.println("Subtraction of "+a+" and "+b+" is: "+(a-b));
     public static void main(String[] args)
          Overload_Demo obj = new Overload_Demo();


interface overload