Producer Consumer problem - Java Program

Q. Write a Java program using Synchronized Threads, which demonstrates Producer Consumer concept.


Producer Consumer problem:
The producer-consumer problem is the classical concurrency of a multi process synchronization problem. It is also known as bound-buffer problem.

The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue. The producer generates a piece of data, put it into the buffer and starts again.

public class ProducerConsumer
      public static void main(String[] args)
            Shop c = new Shop();
            Producer p1 = new Producer(c, 1);
            Consumer c1 = new Consumer(c, 1);
class Shop
      private int materials;
      private boolean available = false;
      public synchronized int get()
            while (available == false)
                  catch (InterruptedException ie)
            available = false;
            return materials;
      public synchronized void put(int value)
            while (available == true)
                  catch (InterruptedException ie)
            materials = value;
            available = true;
class Consumer extends Thread
      private Shop Shop;
      private int number;
      public Consumer(Shop c, int number)
            Shop = c;
            this.number = number;
      public void run()
            int value = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                  value = Shop.get();
                  System.out.println("Consumed value " + this.number+ " got: " + value);
class Producer extends Thread
      private Shop Shop;
      private int number;

      public Producer(Shop c, int number)
            Shop = c;
            this.number = number;
      public void run()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                  System.out.println("Produced value " + this.number+ " put: " + i);
                        sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100));
                  catch (InterruptedException ie)


producer consumer