Illustrating throws keyword - Java Program

Q. Write a program to illustrate the throws keywords in Java.


Throws is used for method declaration and denotes which exception can be thrown by this method.
This example shows how checked exception propagate by throws keyword.

public class ThrowsDemo
     static void throwMethod1() throws NullPointerException
          System.out.println ("Inside throwMethod1");
          throw new NullPointerException ("Throws_Demo1");
     static void throwMethod2() throws ArithmeticException
          System.out.println("Inside throwsMethod2");
          throw new ArithmeticException("Throws_Demo2");
     public static void main(String args[])
          catch (NullPointerException exp)
               System.out.println ("Exception is: " +exp);
          catch(ArithmeticException ae)
               System.out.println("Exception is: "+ae);


throw keyword