Sort and reverse the LinkedList elements - Java Program

Q. Write a program to sort and reverse the LinkedList elements.


In Java there are also some build function to sort the elements. In this example, we create the SortList class, which is used to compare the elements and sort them in decreasing order.

class student
        private String name;
        private int regNumber;
        public student(String n, int reg)
       = n;
                this.regNumber = reg;
        public String getName()
                return name;
        public void setName(String name)
       = name;
        public int getReg()
                return regNumber;
        public void setReg(int regNumber)
                this.regNumber = regNumber;
        public String toString()
                return "Student Name: "", Reg Number: "+this.regNumber;  

import java.util.*;
class StudCompare implements Comparator<student>
                public int compare(student stud1, student stud2)
                if (stud1.getReg() < stud2.getReg())
                        return 1;
                return -1;
class SortList
        public static void main(String[] args)
                LinkedList<student> list = new LinkedList<student>();
                list.add(new student("John", 1001));
                list.add(new student("Raju", 1005));
                list.add(new student("Sham", 1000));
                list.add(new student("Ravi", 1002));
                Collections.sort(list, new StudCompare());
                System.out.println("Sorted list based on registration number\n");
                for (student stud: list )


sort reverse linkedlist