Group Discussion on Blue

Blue is one of the three primary colours in traditional colour theory. But, it is much more than that when it comes to a Group Discussion on Blue. To make your GD experience easier, we offer the topics that can be associated with blue, ranging from water management to tidal energy, blue revolution to the blue economy. Also provided are some interesting facts, quotes and extra information that you can use while talking on this topic.

Blue is associated with calm, coolness, loyalty and stability. It is also associated with natural elements such as water and sky.

Here are some ideas for a GD on blue that we have got together for you.

Facts About Blue

  • Blue is one of the primary colours of pigments and traditional colour theory
  • It forms the third shade in the RGB colour model.
  • It lies between violet and green on the spectrum of visible light.
  • The perception of the colour blue comes with a dominant wavelength of 450-495nm
  • Blue also contains a mixture of other colours like green (azure) and violet (ultramarine)
  • Rayleigh scattering is the reason the clear sky and deep sea appear blue.
  • Additionally blue eyes are explained through an optical effect called Tyndall scattering
  • Atmospheric perspective is another optical effect through which distance objects appear bluer than they are.

How Blue Originated as a Word:

  • The word blue originated from the word bhle used by Proto Indo Europeans in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
  • The word was used to describe light colouring

Here are some different language terms for words resembling blue:

  • belyi - Russian for white
  • blawr - Welsh for gray
  • blavo - Old Spanish for yellowish-gray
  • For English speakers, Blue came from Old French Bleu spoken by people of northern France at the time of the Dark Ages
  • Many languages and linguistic systems do not separate blue and green; for example Koreans and Thai use green and blue synonymously.

Some Famous Quotes on Blue

Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you. I could play the blues and then not be blue anymore.
- Musician B. B. King

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.
- Eleonora Duse

Try to forget what objects you have before you - a tree, a house, a field, or whatever. Merely think, 'Here is a little square of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow,' and paint it just as it looks to you, the exact colour and shape, until it gives you your own impression of the scene before you.
- Artist Claude Monet

Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore.
- Romantic Poet Lord Byron

Some GD Topics on Blue You Can Count On

1. Blue Versus Red
2. Sky is Blue, Grass is Green
3. Blue Economy can Revive India's Fortune- Agree or Disagree?
4. Banning Killer Games like Blue Whale Is Effective- Yes or No?
5. Blue Ocean Diplomacy: Gains or Drawbacks for India?
6. Blue Flag 17: Can Multilateral Military Exercises Boost Bilateral Ties?
7. Do Measures like Ndma's Blue Book Lead to Effective Disaster Management?
8. Sky is the Limit - Agree or Disagree?
9. Maritime Security Cooperation Can Solve the South China Sea Problem?
10. Can a Blue Revolution in India Revive Fisheries Sector?
11. CSS Scheme on Blue Revolution: The Right Step Forward?
12. Operation Blue Star: A Blot on History
13. Can India become a Blue Economy?
14. Does Bluetooth Technology Beat Wi-Fi?
15. Water Management is the Key To Preventing Droughts?
16. Save Water in Holi- A Good Move?
17. Tidal Energy: The Renewable Energy Solution To  Power Shortage
18. Can Banning Pumps Solve India's Groundwater Level Problem?
19. WhatsApp: A Blueprint For Destruction?
20. Can A Blue Economy Help Countries Post Recession?
21. Teesta River Dispute: More Than a Border Water Issue?
22. Narmada Dam Issue: Will Displacing Tribals Create a Bigger Problem?

Blue in World Culture: Know More

  • The English use blue to refer to the human emotion of sadness
  • Germans use it to denote drunkenness or blau sein
  • Blue is also the colour of optimism deriving from blue skies
  • Blue is a male colour while pink is associated with girls; ironically, in the early 1900s, blue was the colour for girls used in Mother Mary's depictions
  • In China, blue is associated with ghosts, death and torment
  • Turkey and Central Asia view blue as a colour of mourning
  • Blue Men of the Sahara was a term used to refer to the Tuareg of North Africa who were a blue turban called tagelmust to protect themselves from Sahara sand and winds.
  • Hopi tribe in American southwest saw blue to be a bad omen
  • Thailand associated Blue with Friday on the solar calendar.

Blue in Art and History

  • Blue has been an important colour for art and decoration since ancient times
  • In ancient Egypt, Blue was associated with the semi-precious lapis lazuli for ornamentation
  • Renaissance artists used blue stones to make a pigment called ultramarine
  • Chinese artists used cobalt blue to colour blue and white porcelain
  • In the Middle Ages, European artists used the blue glass for windows of Cathedrals
  • Europeans wore coloured blue with vegetable dye till it was replaced by indigo from America
  • The indigo cultivation in British India started the Champaran revolution in Bihar.
  • EU and UN flags contain the colour blue.

Blue in Science and Optics

  • Blue was considered by Isaac Newton as one of 7 colours in the visible spectrum or VIBGYOR. He also included a hue between blue and violet called Indigo in this.
  • In painting blue is a primary colour. Red and blue mixed form violet while blue and yellow form green.
  • Mixing red, yellow and blue produces dark grey
  • In 19th century Scotland, physicist James Clerk Maxwell found a new way of explaining colours through the wavelength of light
  • He demonstrated that white light was created by combination of red, blue and green light
  • This was known as the additive colour or RGB model and used to create colours on TVs and PCs
  • It works by using pixels to cover the screen. Each pixel contains fluorescent elements for creating RGB shades,
  • If all three shades glow in one go, the pixel appears white.
  • Each pixel creates its own colour when the screen is scanned with electrons

So, here's a brief sketch of what a GD on Blue can look like. We hope you found it helpful. Blue has always been a colour associated with traditions ("something borrowed, something blue" for Western weddings), sayings (I got the blues) and even music (Blues music - specific genre associated with soothing tones and use of soft, mellow sounds). So, be ready when it comes to a GD on the colour blue. You don't have to use the usual angles. Try to be unique and you will sail through.