Query Processing is a translation of high-level queries into low-level expression.
It is a step wise process that can be used at the physical level of the file system, query optimization and actual execution of the query to get the result.
It requires the basic concepts of relational algebra and file structure.
It refers to the range of activities that are involved in extracting data from the database.
It includes translation of queries in high-level database languages into expressions that can be implemented at the physical level of the file system.
In query processing, we will actually understand how these queries are processed and how they are optimized.
In the above diagram,
The first step is to transform the query into a standard form.
A query is translated into SQL and into a relational algebraic expression. During this process, Parser checks the syntax and verifies the relations and the attributes which are used in the query.
The second step is Query Optimizer. In this, it transforms the query into equivalent expressions that are more efficient to execute.
The third step is Query evaluation. It executes the above query execution plan and returns the result.