Print students mark list - C++ Program

Q. Define a C++ class to represent a Student. The attributes are: id, name, number of subjects, marks_per_subject.

The number of subjects varies for each student. (Use dynamic memory allocation to store marks_per_subject).
Accept data for 'n' students and print the mark list for each student on the screen.


using namespace std;

class student
        int rollno, no_of_subjects;
        char stud_name[20];
        int *marks;
        student(int rno,char *name, int nos)        //Parameterized Constructor
                strcpy(stud_name, name);
                marks=new int[no_of_subjects];   //dynamically memory allocated for storing marks
        void accept();
        void display();
void student::accept()
        for(int i=0; i<no_of_subjects; i++)
                cout<<"\n\n Enter Marks for Subject "<<i+1<<"  :  ";
void student::display()
        cout<<"\n -----------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n\n Student Information";
        cout<<"\n -----------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n\n Roll no             :  "<<rollno;
        cout<<"\n\n Name                :  "<<stud_name;
        for(int i=0; i<no_of_subjects; i++)
                cout<<"\n\n Marks of Subject "<<i+1<<"  :  "<<marks[i];
        cout<<"\n -----------------------------------------\n";
int main()
        int rollno, no_of_subjects;
        char stud_name[20];
        int cnt, i;
        cout<<"\n Enter No. of Students You Want? : ";
        for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
                cout<<"\n -----------------------------------------\n";
                cout<<"\n Enter Roll No           :   ";
                cout<<"\n Enter Name              :   ";
                cout<<"\n Enter No. of Subjects   :   ";
                cout<<"\n -----------------------------------------";
                student st(rollno, stud_name, no_of_subjects);
        return 0;


student marklist

student marklist