C++ program to accept an email address

Q. Write a C++ program to accept an email address and throw an exception if it does not contain @ symbol.


using namespace std;

int main()
     string test;
     string email;
     bool isChar();
     bool isDigit();
     bool isValidEmailId(string);

     cout<<"\n Enter Email Id : ";
     getline(cin, email);

     try //Exceptions are thrown from inside the try block.
          if(isValidEmailId(test) )
               cout<<"\n Email Id is Valid.";
               throw 'c';  //Exception is thrown. The control is transferred to catch block
               //cout<<"\n Email Id is Invalid";
     catch(char c)   //Catch block catches the exception thrown by throw statement from try block.
                    //Then, the exceptions are handled inside catch block.
          cout<<"\n Exception Caught... \n Invalid Email Id!!!";
     catch(...)  //This exception can catch all those exceptions which are not handled by other catch statements.
          cout<<"\n Default Exception";
     return 0;
bool isChar(const char Character)
     return ( (Character >= 'a' && Character <= 'z') || (Character >= 'A' && Character <= 'Z'));
bool isDigit(const char Character)
     return ( Character >= '0' && Character <= '9');
bool isValidEmailId(string email)
     //return 0;
          return 0;
     int AtOffset = -1;
     int DotOffset = -1;
     unsigned int Length;
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
          if(email[i] == '@')
               AtOffset = (int)i;
          else if(email[i] == '.')
               DotOffset = (int)i;
     if(AtOffset == -1 || DotOffset == -1)
          return 0;
     if(AtOffset > DotOffset)
          return 0;
     return !(DotOffset >= ((int)Length-1));


email exception

email exception