Calculate FD maturity amount - C++ Program

Q. Write a C++ program to create a class FD a/c which contains member (fdno, name, amt, interest rate, maturity amt & No. of months). Write parameterized constructor where interest rate should be default argument. Calculate maturity amt using interest rate & display all the details.


using namespace std;

class fd
        int fdno,mnth;
        float amt, rate, m_amt;
        char nm[20];
        fd(int fno, int mnt, float am, float rt, char *name)
                strcpy(nm, name);
        void calculate()
                double yr;
                m_amt=amt*pow((1+rate/100), yr);
        void display()
                cout<<"\n FdNo.           :  "<<fdno;
                cout<<"\n Month           :  "<<mnth;
                cout<<"\n Amount          :  "<<amt;
                cout<<"\n Rate            :  "<<rate;
                cout<<"\n Maturity Amount :  "<<m_amt;
                cout<<"\n Name            :  "<<nm;

int main()
        int fdno, mnth;
        float amt, rate;
        char nm[20];
        cout<<"\n Enter Details : \n";
        cout<<"\n Enter FD No. :  ";\
        cout<<"\n Enter Month  :  ";
        cout<<"\n Enter Amount :  ";
        cout<<"\n Enter Rate   :  ";
        cout<<"\n Enter Name   :  ";
        fd f1(fdno, mnth, amt, rate, nm);
        return 0;


fd maturity amount rate