Accept, display & sort employee data - C++ Program

Q. Create a class staff having fields: Staff_id , name, salary. Write a menu driven program for:

1) To accept the data
2) To display the data
3) To sort the data by name


using namespace std;

class staff
        int staff_id;
        char name[20];
        float salary;

        void accept()
                cout<<"\n Enter Staff Id : ";
                cout<<"\n Enter Staff Name : ";
                cout<<"\n Enter Salary : ";
        void display();
        friend void sort(char nm[], int n, staff *s);
        void operator =(staff s1);
void staff::operator=(staff s1)
        staff_id = s1.staff_id;
        salary = s1.salary;
void staff::display()
        cout<<"\n Staff Id : "<<staff_id;
        cout<<"\n Name : "<<name;
        cout<<"\n Salary : "<<salary<<"\n";
void sort(char nm[], int n, staff *s)  //Function for sorting the data by employee name
        staff temp;
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
                for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
                        int r = strcmp(s[i].name,s[j].name);
int main()
        int ch;
        staff *s;
        int n;
        cout<<"\n Enter No.of Records You Want : ";
        s = new staff[n];
                cout<<"\n 1. Accept Data ";
                cout<<"\n 2. Display Data ";
                cout<<"\n 3. Sort Data by Name ";
                cout<<"\n 4. Exit: ";
                cout<<"\n\n Enter Your Choice : ";
                        case 1:
                                for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
                                        cout<<"\n\n Enter Data for Employee " <<i+1<<"\n";
                        case 2:
                                for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
                        case 3:
                                sort("a", n, s);  //Passing parameter to sort() function
                                cout<<"\n Data is Sorted!!!\n";
                        case 4:
                                cout<<"\n Invalid Choice . . .";
        return 0;


staff details

staff details