World Wide Web in Computer Network
Introduction to World Wide Web
- The World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of documents and other web resources which are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed and searched by browsers via the Internet.
- World Wide Web is also called the Web and it was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
- Website is a collection of web pages belonging to a particular organization.
- The pages can be retrieved and viewed by using browser.
Let us go through the scenario shown in above fig.- The client wants to see some information that belongs to site 1.
- It sends a request through its browser to the server at site 2.
- The server at site 1 finds the document and sends it to the client.
Client (Browser):
- Web browser is a program, which is used to communicate with web server on the Internet.
- Each browser consists of three parts: a controller, client protocol and interpreter.
- The controller receives input from input device and use the programs to access the documents.
- After accessing the document, the controller uses one of the interpreters to display the document on the screen.

- A computer which is available for the network resources and provides service to the other computer on request is known as server.
- The web pages are stored at the server.
- Server accepts a TCP connection from a client browser.
- It gets the name of the file required.
- Server gets the stored file. Returns the file to the client and releases the top connection.
Uniform Resource Locater (URL)
- The URL is a standard for specifying any kind of information on the Internet.
- The URL consists of four parts: protocol, host computer, port and path.
- The protocol is the client or server program which is used to retrieve the document or file. The protocol can be ftp or http.
- The host is the name of computer on which the information is located.
- The URL can optionally contain the port number and it is separated from the host name by a colon.
- Path is the pathname of the file where the file is stored.