Menu driven string program using library functions -C

Write a menu-driven program in C to perform the following operations on string using standard library functions.

i) Calculate Length of String
ii) Reverse a given String
iii) Concatenation of one string to another
iv) Copy one String into another
v) Compare two Strings


int main()
    char str1[20],str2[20];
    int ch,i,j;
        printf("1:Find Length of String");
        printf("\n2:Find Reverse of String");
        printf("\n3:Concatenate Strings");
        printf("\n5:Copy String ");
        printf("\n5:Compare Strings");
        printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
            case 1:
                printf("Enter String: ");
                printf("Length of String : %d\n\n",i);
            case 2:
                printf("Enter String: ");
                printf("Reverse string : %s\n\n",str1);
            case 3:
                printf("\nEnter First String: ");
                printf("Enter Second string: ");
                printf("String After Concatenation : %s\n\n",str1);
            case 4:
                printf("Enter a String1: ");
                printf("Enter a String2: ");
                printf("\nString Before Copied:\nString1=\"%s\",String2=\"%s\"\n",str1,str2);
                printf("\"We are copying string String1 to String2\" \n");
                printf("String After Copied:\nString1=\"%s\", String2=\"%s\"\n\n",str1,str2);
            case 5:
                printf("Enter First String: ");
                printf("Enter Second String: ");
                    printf("Strings are Same\n\n");
                    printf("Strings are Not Same\n\n");
            case 6:
                printf("Invalid Input. Please Enter valid Input.\n\n ");
    return 0;


menu driven library functions