Sort elements using heap sort - C Program

C program to sort 'n' numbers using heap sort.


In heap sort, heap removes the largest element from the end of partially sorted array. Reconstruct the heap after removing largest element & again remove the largest element from remaining elements and place it at the end of partially sorted array. This process is repeated until no element is left in the heap.

#define MAX 100
void build_heap(int H[],int n)
      int i,j,k,v,heap;
            while(heap==0 && (2*k)<=n)
void HeapSort(int heap[],int n)
      int t,i;
int main()
      int arr[MAX],size,i;
      printf("\tHeap sort\n");
      printf(" How many numbers you want to sort?: ");
      printf("\n Enter %d numbers: \n",size);
      printf("\n Sorted elements after using heap sort: \n\n");
      return 0;


heap sort