#include <stdio.h> //standard input output functions
#include<string.h> //console functions
#define max 20 //define max as 20
void search(char [][20],int,char[]); //search function
void main() //main function
char string[max][20],t[20],word[20]; //variables
int i, j, n;
printf("Enter the number of words: \n");
scanf("%d", &n); //getting number of words
printf("Enter the words: \n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //entering words
printf("Input words \n"); //displaying the words
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%s\n", string[i]);
/* sorting elements as for binary search elements should be sorted */
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
{ //if the previous string is greater than next
if (strcmp(string[j - 1], string[j]) > 0)
{ //swap their positions
strcpy(t, string[j - 1]);
strcpy(string[j - 1], string[j]);
strcpy(string[j], t);
printf("Enter the element to be searched: \n");
scanf("%s",word); //entering the word to be searched
search(string,n,word); //calling search function
/* Binary searching begins */
void search(char string[][20],int n,char word[])
int lb, mid, ub;
lb = 0; //lower bound to 0
ub = n; //upper bound to n
mid = (lb + ub) / 2; //finding the mid of the array
if ((strcmp(word,string[mid]))<0) //compare the word with mid
ub = mid - 1; //if small then decrement ub
else if ((strcmp(word,string[mid]))>0)
lb = mid + 1; //if greater then increment lb
/*repeat the process till lb doesn't becomes ub and string is found */
} while ((strcmp(word,string[mid])!=0) && lb <= ub);
if ((strcmp(word,string[mid]))==0) //if string is found
else //if not found
printf("SEARCH FAILED \n");