C program to write macro definition

Write a C program to write macro definition to test whether a character is lowercase or not, to check whether a character is alphabet or not & to obtain the larger of two numbers.


#define LOWER(ch) (ch>=97&&ch<=122 ? printf("'%c' is Lower-Case Letter",ch):printf("'%c' is Not-Lower Case Letter",ch))
#define ALPHA(ch) (isalpha (ch) ? printf("\n\n'%c'is Alphabet",ch):printf("\n\n'%c'is Not Alphabet",ch))
#define LARGE(a,b) (a>b ? printf("%d is Largest",a):printf("%d is Largest",b))
int main()
     char ch;
     int a,b;
     printf("Enter Any Character : ");
     LOWER (ch);
     ALPHA (ch);
     printf("\tEnter Two Numbers\n");
     printf("Enter First Number  : ");
     scanf("%d", &a);
     printf("\nEnter Second Number : ");
     LARGE (a,b);
     return 0;


macro defination