Answer: c. Both of the above
Explanation: There are two ways to initialize angular application,
1. Automatic initialization
2. Manual initialization
All that is needed for automatic initialization is to define “ng-app” on an element. For example, ng-app=”HelloApp”
One could also initialize the angular app manually. This seems to be suited more for existing/legacy web pages where you would want to initialize angular app for a particular set of “views” or, initialize the app conditionally. For example, angular.bootstrap(document, ['HelloApp']);
Answer: c. | (Pipe)
Explanation: Filters can be added in AngularJS to format data. These can be added to expressions by using the pipe character |, followed by a filter.
For example,
<p>Name {{ FirstName | uppercase }}</p> //The uppercase filter format strings to upper case
Answer: a. angular.bootstrap
Explanation: The angular.bootstrap is used to manually start up an angular application. Manual initialization is used in the case where we want more control over the initialization process.
Answer: b. No
Explanation: An error is thrown such as ‘App Already Bootstrapped with this Element'.
Answer: c. Both of the above
Explanation: The meanings of the words are: So, when you hum, you sing in a low voice, sometimes may be without words. Similarly, when you mumble, you say something quietly.
Answer: d. Comment
Explanation: By using 'M', Comment will invoke the directive.