Structure Unions in C Programming


  • A union is similar to a structure.
  • The only difference between a union and structure is that information can be stored in one field at any one time.
  • They are used for saving the memory.
  • Unions can be used for applications which involve a lot of multiple members, where the values need not be assigned to all the members at one time.


union union_name
    member 1;
    member 2;
    member n;

The individual union variables are declared as
storage-class union union_name var1, var2, …..varn;

The combination is given as

storage-class union union_name
    member 1;
    member 2;
    member n;
}var1, var2, …..varn ;

The members are accessed in the same way as the structure members are i.e. by using the '.' or '→' operator.

union_name → member

Example : Demonstration of a simple union

#include <stdio.h>
union student
    int roll_no;
    float fees;

void main()
    union student data;        
    data.roll_no = 5;
    printf( "data.roll_no : %d\n", data.roll_no);
    data.fees = 500.50;
    printf( "data.fees : %f\n", data.fees);

data.roll_no : 5
data.fees : 500.500000

  • Just like structures we can have nested unions, arrays of unions and pointer to union.
  • The pointers can be passed to and from the functions.
  • Unions are initialized with only one value and value of the first type.
  • The operations performed on unions can be the same as structures.