BulletedList Control in ASP.NET

BulletedList Control

BulletedList control is very rich in displaying the items in different styles. It dispalys the list either in unordered or ordered list. Each list item can be rendered as plain text, a LinkButton control, or a link to another web page.
BulletedList control supports the BulletStyle property. The default value of BulletStyle property is NotSet and rendered as in list of bulleted items. Possible values are as follows:

  • Circle
  • CustomImage
  • Disc
  • LowerAlpha
  • LowerRoman
  • NotSet
  • Numbered
  • Square
  • UpperAlpha
  • UpperRoman
BulletedList control also supports the DisplayMode property that is used to modify the appearance of list items. Possible values are as follows:

  • HyperLink
  • LinkButton
  • Text


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class ListControls : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            List<string> educationList = new List<string>();
            BulletedList1.DataSource = educationList;
    protected void Style_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        switch (e.CommandName)
            case "Circle":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.Circle;
            case "Disc":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.Disc;
            case "Numbered":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.Numbered;
            case "Square":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.Square;
            case "LowerRoman":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.LowerRoman;
            case "UpperAlpha":
                BulletedList1.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.UpperAlpha;


bulletedlist control

When you click on different button, the button style of list control will be changed accordingly. In this example we have used Command Button concept. If you want to learn Command Button concept, please read chapter three.

Style = LowerRoman.

list control roman

Style = Numbered.

list control numbered

Style = Square.

list control square